COB Dividends Show - October 2016

The Dividends Show is a monthly program dedicated to bringing you all the latest news and information from Mississippi State University's College of Business. Each episode gives you an inside look at the College's programs and events, history, faculty, students and alumni.

In this month's episode, Dividends Show host Jeffrey Rupp speaks with Dr. Charles Freeman, Assistant Professor of Apparel, Textiles & Merchandising in MSU's School of Human Sciences. One of the many things that makes the Center of Entrepreneurship & Outreach (CEO) so successful are our various partnerships with faculty, staff and resources throughout the university. Dr. Freeman serves as an academic representative for the CEO, mentoring young entrepreneurs aspiring to launch a company in the fashion industry-- helping with not only the design process of the product but also the company's brand.

We also speak with Jonathan Williams, freshman marketing student and founder of Reale Co.-- an online clothing company that he and friend Austin Van Wagner created during their sophomore year of high school. Defined by Williams as a "streetwear lifestyle brand," Reale Co. sells apparel and accessories for both men and women. They had $10,000 in sales last year alone, and show no signs of slowing. Be sure to check them out at